As you enter high school, the one thing on your mind is going to be something along the lines of graduating. Let’s face it, by that point all you want to do is get on with your life, and with that in mind, we’re going to talk about the graduation requirements, and essentially what you’re going to need if you want to get out into the world – at least with the credentials you need to get into a good college or even a career. Before you ask, yes, you can get the credits you need with home schooling, but we’re going to get into that further on in this article.

Home Schooling and High School Credits – It’s Not a Bad Path

Starting out, we want to point out that there are different requirements for different states regarding graduation and we’re not going to cover every single one of them. What we are going to do, however, is talk a bit about a few different states and explain why credits are important. First off, in 2015, Alabama’s requirements called for students to complete 24 credits in order to graduate from high school. In other states, such as Arizona, you would only need 23 credits to graduate.

American High SchoolNow, moving on to California, there is no set number of credits required for graduation simply because every school district weighs the courses in a different manner. California students complete somewhere in the range of 22 and 26 full year courses, with some districts giving 10 units for a full year course and five for a semester long course.

That being the case, California students need around 250 credits to graduate depending on the circumstances. California’s education code calls for students in the various districts to finish thirteen required courses in the following:

  • Mathematics
  • Social Studies
  • English
  • Science
  • Performing Arts
  • Foreign Language
  • Physical Education

As you can see, every single state is going to be incredibly different when it comes to getting the education you need and the credits you need to successfully graduate high school. Yes, students are able to earn online credits and they can successfully enter the career of their choosing or at the very least an accredited college upon that completion.

Making the Most of your Online High School Education

High School OnlineWe cannot emphasize enough the importance of making sure that you make the most of your high school education while you are there. One thing that we mentioned earlier is the tendency that many high school students have to rush through their schooling, pushing forward as quickly as humanly possible toward that finish line. Sure, you want your diploma and you should definitely be working toward it, but you should also make sure that you know what career path you want to take once you complete your schooling.

Knowing your path will go a long way toward helping you to know what courses to take advantage of, for example if you wish to enter the medical or science field then you would want to put an emphasis on scientific and mathematics courses, both of which branch off into the more advanced offerings. There are some great options and you will have the chance to take advantage of all of them when you utilize our home schooling program.

Are you ready to take advantage of one of the best home schooling opportunities on the internet? Are you prepared to learn at your own pace and still get the skills that you really need? If so, then it’s time to stop worrying about meeting the demands of your day to day public school and start utilizing your highend online facilities.

We can give you the education you need without forcing you to attend a physical classroom each and every day, and we can even make sure that you’re getting the advanced courses you need to advance toward the career of your dreams. We have the tools you need to be successful – do you have the drive to push forward?