

American High School News

Keep up-to-date on American High School news! Visit this page often to find out about course updates, new teachers or other staff, accomplishments of our students and graduates, and updates on new or improved programs. For online high school news you can use, check us out here.

Avoid Fake Online Diploma, Sign Up with an Accredited High School Online

Many people think of diploma mills only with college degrees. You earn your masters in “life experience” from an official sounding college. Unfortunately, some of them have been convincing enough to get people jobs in [...]

April 7th, 2017|

How American High School Can Help You Connect to the Largest Teaching and Learning Value Chain

A traditional high school experience isn’t for everybody. Sometimes, students just don’t get the support they need in their school. Others may do better when they have more options or flexibility to control their high [...]

April 5th, 2017|

Start Your Career in Graphic Design and Get a High School Diploma for FREE

Even in elementary school, many people are talking about teaching kids new career skills like website coding. The earlier you learn these types of skills, the easier they become. With an internet directed industry, anything [...]

March 24th, 2017|

At American High School You Only Pay for Career Training. Your High School Diploma for FREE

For the average high school student including adult learners, graduating from high school is the focus. You have to complete core credits to demonstrate proficiency in the subjects. Then you can enjoy elective classes. Some [...]

March 22nd, 2017|


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