
The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop basic knowledge and skills in communication, meeting human needs, and conflict resolution.
The content should include the following:
• Demonstrate knowledge of the functions and responsibilities of peer facilitators (e.g., listening, confidentiality, team building, conflict resolution, and intervention).
• Demonstrate awareness of varied behavioral responses to situational, environmental, and chemical elements; and the impact of subsequent decision-making on self and others.
• Demonstrate knowledge of basic human needs (e.g., food, clothing, shelter, recognition, development, security, identity) and the ways in which they can be met while developing group cohesion.
• Demonstrate use of basic facilitative communication skills (e.g., listening, questioning, feedback, paraphrasing, nonverbal communication, nonjudgmental response).
• Identify own feelings and needs and communicate them in a positive way.
• Demonstrate awareness of leadership styles (e.g., authoritarian, democratic, permissive).
• Demonstrate awareness of methods for dealing with conflict (e.g., communication, assertion, avoidance, aggression) and steps to resolution (i.e., set rules, gather perspectives, identify needs and goals, create and evaluate options, and generate agreement)
• Make inferences and justify conclusions from sample surveys, experiments, and observational studies.
Prerequisite: N/A