What are the steps for Virtual High Schooling for adults?

What is virtual high school?

You may have heard recent hype about virtual high school. This is a fairly new concept and it will allow your child to attend school from home. While this may sound like home schooling to you, it is not. With virtual school, your child will learn instruction from certified teachers and they will have a set curriculum to follow. You will have two choices of schools to choose from that include:

  • Public
  • Private

With growing popularity of virtual schools, three out of four school districts are offering this option to their residents. In addition to that, there are many states that offer these schools which follow the same rules and regulations that a traditional public school would follow.

As with any type of school, there are pros and cons to enrolling your child in a virtual high school and finding out if this type of schooling will benefit your child. In order to make that decision, you will need to figure out your child’s learning style and their personality.

What should you know about virtual high school?

Virtual High School Attending a virtual high school is one of the fastest growing opportunities available to your school aged child. Virtual schooling is available from grades K-12. In the United States, a majority of the states participate in some form of online learning and around 30 states are already offering full time virtual schooling options. Some of these schooling options will be free and offered directly from the school district or the state that you live in. These schools will be run by a state initiative.

However, if you want your child to be offered a more diverse curriculum along with options to take advanced classes, a private virtual school may be the best option for you. A private virtual high school program will have tuition rates and fees that apply but it will be worth the cost. At American High School, your child will be able to do the following:

  • Take virtual field trips
  • Enroll in AP classes
  • Have access to a college acceleration program

If your child is currently behind or advanced in their studies, you will be able to create a customized learning plan specifically for them. The possibilities are endless with a virtual high school.

What are the advantages of a virtual high school program?

There are many advantages that your child will have by enrolling in a virtual high school. Due to the individualized learning, less distractions, and more one on one learning students who attend a virtual school tend to score higher on standardized tests. In addition to that, all virtual schools must follow all of the regulations and accreditation rules that apply to public schools.

Advantages of enrolling your child in a virtual school may include:

  • Knowing that the school meets state and federal requirements for standards in educationVirtual High School Courses
  • Allowing your child to learn in a comfortable environment while being supported by a qualified teacher
  • Being involved in your child’s education
  • Ability to provide a great option for children that are home bound due to handicap or other circumstances
  • Ability to avoid bullying and other uncomfortable social circumstances
  • your child to still attend extracurricular activities and field trips planned by the school
  • Ability to provide direct communication and instruction from a highly qualified teacher
  • Allowing your child to work at their own pace which avoids them being left behind
  • Option to take advanced classes so that your child does not become bored with concepts

With so many advantages to virtual schooling for your child, it is hard to believe that there may be any cons involved. The cons that may surface from attending a virtual school include:

  • Attendance requirements
  • Limited social interaction
  • Need for child to be self-motivated
  • Need for computer and supplies within the home

As you can see, the cons are not as serious as you may have first thought. If you have any questions or concerns, the virtual school that you are interested in will be glad to speak with you and create a plan that will allow your child to be successful with their virtual high school program.

Why should your child earn their diploma from a virtual high school?

virtual high school diplomaWhile many children succeed in a traditional public school setting, there are just as many who do not. These children are the ones who are bullied, struggle to learn, or are just bored with the average classes. If your child dreads going to school every day, virtual schooling may be the best option for you.

Your child will be able to earn their high school diploma online with their own schedule and on their own time frame. Your child can complete their course work at any time throughout the day. The benefits of earning a high school diploma from an online school can include:

  • Flexibility of coursework
  • Customizable classes with individualized learning
  • Help students become prepared for a technological world by improving their computer skills while ensuring that they will have the skills needed in the future workplace
  • Ability to help your child meet all of their educational goals
  • Encourage your child to create a plan for the future with college planning and career planning

With your support, your child can be successful when they are enrolled in a virtual high school program like the one offered through American High School.

Can your child be successful when they earn their diploma through an online high school?

If your child is determined and self-motivated, they may be able to earn their high school diploma through a virtual high school in less time than attending a traditional high school. Your child will be able to get the education that is necessary to be successful in the future with college and employment. By attending a virtual high school your child will be able to avoid peer pressure and bullying and be able to stay on track with their studies. Some students have completed their high school diplomas in two and half years instead of the traditional four years.

Your child will be able to get their schoolwork done on their own time which means they can have more time for the following:

All of these can be done without worrying about leaving extra time to do homework. When your child attends on online virtual high school, they will be completing their required assignments during their “school day” which eliminates the incessant hours spent on homework every night.

Is virtual high school right for my child?

Your child may think that trying to earn their diploma online may be more challenging than attending a traditional high school. However, when you remove all of the gossip, peer pressure, and bullying from the equation all that is left is time to focus on studies.

High school classes are difficult on their own without the added stresses mentioned above. You can remove all of the negativity from your child’s education by enrolling them in American High School and allowing them to work at their own pace to obtain their diploma. Contact our Virtual High School today to have a a Free guidance session with one of our counselors.